Welcome to St. Chad’s Friends and Family PTFA page. We are a group of volunteers (parents, teachers, grandparents, guardians and community members) whose aim is to support and contribute to the life of the school through fundraising and community events.

With the help of our parents, teachers and of course, the children, we have raised money for some amazing projects and had a lot of fun in the process

Most recently, we have raised funds for play equipment for My Happy Lunchtimes and cinema treats for Year 6 to celebrate their SATs success. In the past, we have helped fund ‘Father Christmas’ gifts, reduced the cost of trips, provided leavers gifts, bought ice creams for the whole and added books to class libraries.

Throughout the year we hold several events and a lot of fun and games is had by all. Examples of the types of events we hold are an annual Christmas Fair, film nights, school discos, summer fun event, Easter Bingo.

As a friends and family group we welcome anyone who wants to get involved. There are loads of ways to get involved in St Chad’s PTFA which don’t involve a regular commitment (unless you want to). We always need people to help with refreshments, sell tickets, wrap presents, contact local businesses, set up events.