What does a typical day look like?
Our official hours are Monday – Friday, 8.50am – 3.10pm.
Children should be brought on to the school playground ready to be in the line for 10 to 9.
Once all children are in by 8.50am, the register is taken and snack ordered. In this time children work on key number facts, times tables and arithmetic. Collective worship starts at 9.10 and ends at 9.30am.
In our Early Years, children learn through play in the continuous provision, with whole-class and small-group sessions scattered throughout the day.
In Year 1 and above, the morning focus is on Reading, Writing and Maths. In the afternoon, children in Year 1 and above focus on foundation subjects, such as RE, History and Science. During a half term, children part in a STEAM theme day.
Year 1 – 3 playtime is at 10.15am and Year 4-6 at 10.30am. Lunchtimes are staggered for different ages to allow for serving hot dinners and space on the playground. Playtime and lunchtime staff support children’s play and socialisation. There are a wide range of activities for children to enjoy, such as skipping, reading, drawing, sports and trim trails.
At the end of the day, the children are collected from the playground at 3.10pm. The children’s class teacher will dismiss the children one by one from their line on the playground. Please be patient with us as we want to ensure we are sending the children home safely. If you have arranged for someone other than the child’s parents/carers to collect, please inform the class teacher or office that this will be the case.
What happens if we arrive late to school?
If you arrive after the school gates are locked (9.00am), please enter school via the main office entrance. You will need to sign your child into school as they will have missed the morning register. You will also need to provide a reason for why your child is late. We are keen for all children to arrive at school on time so they can have a successful start to the day. Late arrivals will be monitored and parents/carers will be contacted to discuss this if this is a regular occurrence. The start of the day includes important number practise for all children.
How do I give permission for my child to walk home alone?
Due to our proximity to a very busy main road, St Chad’s has taken the decision to only allow children in Year 5 and 6 to leave the class line without an adult present. If a Year 5 or 6 parent/carer makes the decision to let their child walk home alone they should make this known in writing. This permission only covers the regular time of 3.10pm, and should children finish school at any other time (e.g. after school event, leaving late due to an after school club) additional permission must be given.
Only those children who have permission to walk home alone will be allowed to bring a mobile phone into school (for emergency contact on the way to/home from school). A separate permission form must be signed for phones, and these will be locked in a teacher’s drawer throughout the day.
After-school Clubs and Wraparound Care
We run a number of different clubs each term over the year. We also have wraparound care for those parents/carers who require additional childcare through SY4C – the details of which can be viewed here.