
Subject led by Hannah Stead


Children at St. Chad’s, will learn to read fluently and demonstrate good understanding and comprehension. Our children will engage with a range of genres and develop their understanding of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Our curriculum has been designed to ensure that children have opportunities to develop a love of reading. We want our children to gain a thirst for reading a range of genres and participating in discussions about the books; exploring the language used by different authors and the impact the written words have on the reader. Our curriculum has also been designed to ensure that our children not only read for pleasure, having had access to a wide range of text types, genres and authors, but to use books to research and gather new knowledge to extend their understanding. 

Our aims are to: 

 develop passionate readers who are inspired and chose to read for pleasure 

 ensure that reading is at the heart of our curriculum 

 develop good readers who have the strategies to understand what they have read 

Guided Reading

From Years 2 – 6 we follow the Steps to Read scheme from Literacy Counts. This has high quality texts at it’s heart where possible linked to our curriculum topics to add breadth and understanding. 

EYFS and Year 1 focus their reading sessions around phonically decodable texts supplemented with new and classic literature.